
Plot single, and select handful of amplitudes at specified X locations and all Z locations


wiggleplot -p PROJECTFILE -r DATAFILE -g VALUE -x VALUE -d VALUE -n VALUE -c [Ex Ey Ez Vx Vy Vz]


  • -p PROJECTFILE, --prjfile PROJECTFILE .prj file

    The file path for the project file.

  • -r receiver_array.csv

    The file path for the receiver array data, typically receiver_array.csv

  • -g VALUE, --gain VALUE

    The linear horizontal exaggeration of the amplitude values from the receiver array file.

  • -x VALUE, --receiver_spacing

    The horizontal distance between receivers, in meters, to lable the x-axis properly.

  • -d, --columns

    The frequency at which columns are pulled for plotting from the csv file

  • -n VALUE, --single_plot_dist

    The receiver number (column) indicating amplitude values will be plotted in a single-wiggle plot

  • -c [Ex Ey Ez Vx Vy Vz], --channel [Ex Ey Ez Vx Vy Vz]

    The channel to query (Vx for the seismic x direction, for example)


  • Plot of the amplitude value of each pixel in a column

  • Plot of the amplitude value of every pixel in every nth column aligned across a graph