
Creates a series of 3-dimensional vti files that can be imported into Paraview to generate an animation. (Directly building the animation is planned for a future release.)


vtkbuild [-h] -p PROJECTFILE -c [Ex Ey Ez Vx Vy Vz] -n NUM_STEPS


  • -p PROJECTFILE, --prjfile PROJECTFILE .prj file

    The full file path for the project file.

  • -c [Ex Ey Ez Vx Vy Vz], --channel [Ex Ey Ez Vx Vy Vz]

    Whether to plot the seismic or radar model in the X, Y, or Z direction

  • -n VALUE, --num_steps VALUE

    The time step interval between the images that are going to be used. n=20 means that 1 out of every 20 images will be used, thus significantly reducing how long it takes to compile.