
This program builds a gif from the set of image output of the FDTD modeling. The images can be in csv or unformatted Fortran binary, however, the program runs faster to use the latter. To use, ensure the project file is in the same directory as the output files.


vectoranim -p PROJECTFILE -n VALUE


  • -p PROJECTFILE, --prjfile PROJECTFILE .prj file

    The full file path for the project file

  • -n VALUE, --num_steps VALUE

    The time step interval between the images that are going to be used. Every time step is written to file which means that we can take any equally spaced images to create the gif with an appropriate resolution, time to compute, and file size. For example, n=20 means that every 20 images will be used thus significantly reducing how long it takes to compile the gif.


A GIF animation of the wave propagation.