
A wrapper script to create a common offset survey. The survey is along the x-direction, but can be extended to other directions.


common_offset -p PROJECTFILE -o X Y Z -r RCXFILE -s [OPTIONAL] -c VALUE [optional]



    Project file path

  • -o X Y Z, --offset X Y Z

    Source-receiver offset distance for all three directions (meters). Even in 2D calculations, you must enter three space-separated X Y Z values.

  • -r RCXFILE, --receivers RCXFILE

    The coordinate locations of every survey point (meters). The file is comma-delimited in each row, with the first row required to by ‘X,Y,Z’

  • -s, --seismic

    (OPTIONAL) Specifier to run seismic common offset. Default is electromagnetic.

  • -c, --cores

    For parallel computation, specify the number of cores.


Three CSV files, containing Ex, Ey, and Ez (or Vx, Vy, Vz) values, with time series in columns of the source locations.