2. Installation

The dynamical programming language of Python3 is used as a front end to run the more computationally extensive modeling schemes in Fortran. There are a number of ways to install this software depending on your desired level of control over the process. Most users should be fine with the “Auto-installation” in the section below.

If you are an advanced user and looking to take more in-depth control of the installation process, you can use the Manual installation instructions.

Below the installation instructions, we describe the Folder structure.


Mac OS X users: you will have to install Homebrew prior to installing this software if you do not already have it.

2.1. Auto-installation

First, some background:

This method will install SeidarT on most Unix-based systems using a combination of Anaconda and Fortran compilation. It’s not necessary to know or do much more than execute a few command line entries. However, it will help to know that the installer will create what’s called a “virtual environment” or more specifically an “Anaconda environment”. Without getting into details, this conda environment is basically a way to create a virtual Python configuration that will let this software run but not affect your system’s Python configuration, which is a fancy way of saying that conda will avoid causing cascading bad effects on your computer. In short: conda is nice because it plays nicely with various systems. Note well that you will have to activate this conda environment whenever you wish to run SeidarT. This is not hard but it is critical. Read on for instructions on how to both install and activate your SeidarT conda environment.

  1. First, make sure you have the proper prerequisites

    On Mac OS X systems with Homebrew, copy/paste/enter the following two lines:

    brew update
    brew install gcc git parallel

    or on Debian/Ubuntu systems that use the aptitude package manager, do the following to get those prerequisites:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gcc-9 gfortran git
  2. Get the software

    Change to the directory where you’d like SeidarT to go, clone it from GitHub, and change into the SeidarT directory created by Git:

    cd /path/to/parent/directory
    git clone https://github.com/umainedynamics/SeidarT
    cd SeidarT
  3. Install

    Run the auto-installer script and follow the prompts:

    bash install.sh

    This script will first check if Anaconda or Miniconda already exists on your system. It will download and install Miniconda if necessary. It will also add conda to your $PATH, which is to say that it will tell your computer where to look to use the conda software. Then, it will use conda to create a SeidarT environment and install the rest of the requirements into that environment. Finally, it will compile the Fortran code in this repository.

You should now be able to move on to the Getting Started section.

2.2. Manual installation instructions

This is the more involved and less sure-fire installation method, probably best left for intermediate level Unix users and up. The following system dependencies are required:

Python3, Fortran95, GCC, pip, git, dos2unix, ghostscript, imageMagick

and additionally, these Python dependencies are also required: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, mplstereonet (optional for viewing fabric distributions).

  1. Get system prerequisites

    First, install what you will need to compile the Fortran code. This can be with Homebrew (on OS X) using the commands:

    brew update
    brew install gcc git dos2unix ghostscript imagemagick numpy vtk python pip

    and via apt (on Linux) with:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gcc-10 git dos2unix ghostscript imagemagick \
      python3.8 python3-numpy python3-vtk python3-pip
  2. Install Miniconda

    Anaconda will work as well, but miniconda is a smaller initial installation, and will only install what you need.

  3. Get Python prerequisites

    From a Terminal window in which the conda command is accessible, run the following commands:

    conda create -n seidart python=3 pip git ghostscript imagemagick \
      numpy matplotlib scipy pyevtk vtk
    conda activate seidart
    pip install mplstereonet
  4. Get the software
    cd /path/to/parent/directory
    git clone git@github.com:sbernsen/SeidarT.git
    cd SeidarT
  5. Run the installer
    bash manual_install.sh
  6. Update PATH

    When the compilation is finished, we can add the folder to the path directory and the python path directory. Currently, this software is supported with bash so append the following lines to the ~/.bashrc file if using Ubuntu:

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/SeidarT/bin
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/SeidarT/bin

    and if Python 2 is the default version, create an alias by adding this line to your aliases (either in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases)

    alias python=python3


    Notes for Macintosh users:

    Depending on the OS release (El Capitan, High Sierra, Mojave, etc.) and whether you have Anaconda installed appending a path might be different. Anaconda may set aliases so troubleshooting on a Mac can be cumbersome. Before editing the /etc/path, .bash_profile, .profile, or .bashrc files, it is a good idea to create a backup especially if you are not familiar with either or any of those files. To do this copy the original to a new name. For example,

    cp <location/of/path/definitions> <location/of/path/definitions>_original

    that way you can always revert back to the working script.

    There are a variety of ways to edit the documents but for simplicity change directories to the home folder:

    cd ~

    and input into the command line:

    sudo nano .bashrc

    and append the export PATH=... lines at the bottom. Save and close the file (CTRL+X, then Y and enter) then check to make sure it is included in the path:

    . ~/.bashrc
    echo $PATH
    echo $PYTHONPATH

2.3. Folder structure

Here we describe the folders you may need to use while working with the software.

  • bin

    Contains the active Python and Fortran codes used in calculating and displaying the wave propagation.

  • docs

    Repository for html documentation.


    Hosts images and other files used in the tutorial. Also contains a shell script that can help with bookkeeping.

  • materials

    Library for definitions and subroutines.